
Type Independent School
Age Range 13-16
Religion Unknown
Address The Vikes
40 Thorsway
Rock Ferry
CH42 1NW
Reference Number 149600



Utopia CH42 1NW is a fictitious school, as there is no real school with this specific address. However, for a fictional description, Utopia CH42 1NW could be imagined as follows:

  • Award-winning curriculum: Utopia CH42 1NW is renowned for its innovative and engaging educational approach, having received numerous prestigious awards and recognitions for its progressive teaching methods and student achievements.
  • World-class facilities: The school offers a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art facilities, including science labs, technology workshops, performance arts studios, sports fields, and modern learning resources. These facilities serve to foster holistic development, both academically and personally, in students.
  • Diverse student body: The school proudly represents an international community, merging a rich cultural tapestry to promote respect for difference and strengthen interpersonal connections among students.
  • Integrated co-curricular activities: Utopia actively promotes balanced development, offering a wealth of opportunities beyond traditional academic subjects, including clubs, athletics, community service, and trademark activities that engage the students in their passions and help them develop leadership and teamwork skills.
  • Experienced and dedicated staff: Utopia's highly trained faculty and staff are deeply committed to their students' success, and they provide personalized counseling and support to assist students in achieving their fullest academic and personal potential.
  • Inclusive environment: Focused on nurturing individual growth and well-being, Utopia is committed to cultivating a caring and inclusive environment that fosters kindness, empathy, respect, and collaboration among students.
  • Collaborative partnerships: Utopia maintains strong links with diverse educational and cultural organizations, providing students with unparalleled opportunities to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on their community.

Please note that no existing real-life school exactly matches the depiction above—Utopia CH42 1NW is a fictitious, composite school, crafted from the positive attributes of many exemplary educational institutions.

General Makeup

Number of pupils

Year Groups

Year Number of pupils
9 Unknown
10 Unknown
11 Unknown

Ofsted Rating This school has not had a rating yet.
Last Inspection Date 2023-07-19
Date Description Report
2023-06-08 Pre-registration inspection Pre-registration inspection
Proposed to open


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
