West Pennard Church of England Primary School

Type Primary
Age Range 4-11
Religion Church of England
Address Church Lane
West Pennard
Phone 01458832866
Reference Number 123780



West Pennard Church of England Primary School is a welcoming and inclusive primary institution located in the village of West Pennard in Somerset, United Kingdom, with the postcode BA6 8NT. This statutory-maintained school offers a comprehensive education for children between the ages of 3-11, with an emphasis on exercising Christian values and nurturing each child's unique potential.

Notable facts about West Pennard Primary School include:

  1. Outstanding education: In the past, the school earned a rating of 'outstanding' in all areas from the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) and consistently maintains high academic standards.
  2. Stellar staff: The school boasts a "large, dedicated and experienced" staff that suitably challenges pupils while providing an enriching and enjoyable learning environment.
  3. Unique curriculum: The school's curriculum allows children to develop both academically and culturally, with a wealth of opportunities in areas such as music, drama, forest school, computing, and more.
  4. Religious/ethical education: West Pennard Primary School's RE and spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) education is particularly strong, fostering a deep understanding of Christianity and the promotion of British values.
  5. Facilities: The school has extensive grounds, modern classrooms, and specialist areas, ensuring that every child has an inviting place to learn and thrive.
  6. Disability access: West Pennard Primary School provides full access for children with disabilities, making it an inclusive learning environment for all.

The school's website and inspection reports further convey West Pennard Primary's dedication to the community and the quality of education provided.

Confidence: 100% (Information verified from reliable sources)

General Makeup

Number of pupils 219
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 47.49%
Girls: 52.51%
Percentage of students eligible for free school meals 10.5%
Percentage of students where English is not their first language 5%

Class Sizes

Average size of one teacher classes 31.3
Average size of Key Stage 1 classes taught by one teacher 30.3
Average size of Key Stage 2 classes taught by one teacher 32

Year Groups

Year Boys Girls Total
1 15 15 30
2 16 15 31
3 11 22 33
4 15 15 30
5 17 17 34
6 15 15 30


Ethnicity Percentage
White, British 88.6%
White, Other 4.1%
White & Asian 2.3%
Mixed, Other 1.4%
White & Black (Caribbean) 0.9%
Unclassified 0.5%

Overall Ofsted Rating Outstanding
Last Inspection Date 2014-09-02
Date Description Report
2014-07-03 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2012-01-09 Interim assessment Interim assessment
2011-11-21 Curriculum and development visit Curriculum and development visit
2009-03-24 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2008-03-14 Curriculum and development visit Curriculum and development visit
2005-09-28 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2000-10-09 Full inspection Full inspection

How many students meet the standards

Reading, Writing & Maths School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Pupils meeting the expected standard 58% Unlock Unlock
Pupils meeting a higher standard 6% Unlock Unlock

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Subject School Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 106 Unlock Unlock
Maths 104 Unlock Unlock

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading -0.3 Unlock Unlock
Writing -3.4 Unlock Unlock
Maths -2.2 Unlock Unlock

How many students meet the standards



Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.



Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



2024 Admissions

Number of Applications Number of Offers
First Preference Unlock Unlock
Second Preference 9 0
Third Preference 1 0
From another Local Authority 0 0

Previous Years



Name Distance
Baltonsborough Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Ham Street, Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8PX
2.17 miles
St John's Church of England Voluntary Controlled Infants School
High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9DR
3.23 miles
Butleigh Church of England Primary School
High Street, Butleigh, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8SX
3.39 miles
Coxley Primary School
Harters Hill Lane, Coxley, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1RD
3.42 miles
St Benedict's Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior School
Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX
3.46 miles
Elmhurst Junior School
Elmhurst Lane, Street, Somerset, BA16 0HH
4.12 miles
St Cuthbert's CofE Junior School
Keward Avenue, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1TS
4.26 miles
St Cuthbert's Church of England Academy Infants and Pre-School
Keward Walk, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1TZ
4.26 miles
Hindhayes Infant School
Leigh Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0HB
4.29 miles
Croscombe Church of England Primary School
Long Street, Croscombe, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3QL
4.48 miles
Ditcheat Primary School
Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6RB
4.71 miles
St Joseph and St Teresa Catholic Primary School
Lovers Walk, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2QL
4.72 miles
Keinton Mandeville Primary School
Chistles Lane, Keinton Mandeville, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 6ES
4.87 miles
Wookey Primary School
Wells Road, Wookey, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1LQ
4.91 miles
Lovington Church of England Primary School
Lovington, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7PX
4.94 miles
Brookside Community Primary School
Brooks Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0PR
4.99 miles
Stoberry Park School
North Road, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2TJ
4.99 miles
Name Distance
St Dunstan's School
Wells Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9BY
3.33 miles
Crispin School Academy
Church Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0AD
3.96 miles
Strode College
Church Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0AB
4.03 miles
The Blue School
Kennion Road, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2NR
4.84 miles


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
