Writtle Junior School

Type Primary
Age Range 7-11
Religion Does not apply
Address Margaretting Road
Phone 01245420592
Reference Number 115047



Writtle Junior School is located in the CM1 3HG postcode region, sharing a site with an infant school. While specific details from the provided search result are limited, we can infer the following facts:

  1. Writtle Junior School has a building alongside the infant school.
  2. The school is involved in hiring for headteacher positions, as indicated by a job description found in the search result.
  3. The school is part of Essex Schools Jobs, which suggests that it is operated by or associated with the Essex County Council education system.

Unfortunately, without additional information from a reliable source, we cannot provide more detailed or comprehensive facts about the school's curriculum, history, ranking, or student body.

General Makeup

Number of pupils 241
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 49.79%
Girls: 50.21%

Year Groups

Year Number of pupils
3 61
4 60
5 60
6 60

Ofsted Rating Good
Last Inspection Date 2023-09-28
Date Description Report
2023-07-12 School inspection School inspection
2018-01-25 Short inspection Short inspection
2013-10-10 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2011-09-27 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2008-12-04 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2006-11-09 Curriculum and development visit Curriculum and development visit
2004-06-07 Full inspection Full inspection

How many students meet the standards

Reading, Writing & Maths School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Pupils meeting the expected standard 67% Upgrade Upgrade
Pupils meeting a higher standard 8% Upgrade Upgrade

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Subject School Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 105 Upgrade Upgrade
Maths 107 Upgrade Upgrade

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading -0.9 Upgrade Upgrade
Writing 0.4 Upgrade Upgrade
Maths 1.9 Upgrade Upgrade

How many students meet the standards

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
