St Luke's Church of England Primary School

Type Primary / Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religion Church of England
Address Saunders Ness Road
Isle of Dogs
E14 3EB
Phone 02079871753
Reference Number 100954

General Makeup

Number of pupils 406
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 49.75%
Girls: 50.25%
Percentage of students eligible for free school meals 33%
Percentage of students where English is not their first language 43.3%

Class Sizes

Average size of one teacher classes 26.5
Average size of Key Stage 1 classes taught by one teacher 28
Average size of Key Stage 2 classes taught by one teacher 25.3

Year Groups

Year Boys Girls Total
1 27 23 50
2 29 30 59
3 23 33 56
4 23 31 54
5 19 21 40
6 32 19 51


Ethnicity Percentage
White, British 28.3%
White, Other 14%
Indian 7.1%
African 6.7%
Caribbean 5.2%
Mixed, Other 4.9%
White & Black (Caribbean) 4.7%
Chinese 3.4%
White & Asian 2.2%
Pakistani 1.5%
White & Black (African) 1.2%
Asian, Other 0.5%

Overall Ofsted Rating Good
 >  Quality of education Good
  >  Behaviour & Attitude Good
  >  Personal Development Good
  >  Leadership & Management Good
  >  Early Years Provision Good
Last Inspection Date 2023-12-12
Date Description Report
2023-11-01 School inspection: School inspection:
2021-10-06 School inspection School inspection
2016-09-20 Short inspection Short inspection
2012-06-21 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2011-01-07 Interim assessment Interim assessment
2008-01-29 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2003-10-06 Full inspection Full inspection

How many students meet the standards

Reading, Writing & Maths School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Pupils meeting the expected standard 54% Unlock Unlock
Pupils meeting a higher standard 10% Unlock Unlock

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Subject School Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 104 Unlock Unlock
Maths 104 Unlock Unlock

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 0.2 Unlock Unlock
Writing 1.6 Unlock Unlock
Maths 1.8 Unlock Unlock

How many students meet the standards



Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.



Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



2024 Admissions

Number of Applications Number of Offers
First Preference Unlock Unlock
Second Preference 37 8
Third Preference 31 1
From another Local Authority 3 1

Previous Years



Name Distance
Canary Wharf College, Glenworth
93 Saunders Ness Road, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 3EB
0 miles
Canary Wharf College, East Ferry
197 East Ferry Road, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 3BA
0.37 miles
Cubitt Town Primary School
Manchester Road, Isle of Dogs, Cubitt Town Primary School, Manchester Road, London, E14 3NE
0.37 miles
Meridian Primary School
Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich, London, SE10 9NY
0.47 miles
Christ Church Church of England Primary School
45 Commerell Street, Greenwich, London, SE10 0DZ
0.52 miles
Robert Owen Nursery School
43 Commerell Street, London, SE10 0EA
0.53 miles
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Commerell Street, Greenwich, London, SE10 9AN
0.53 miles
Harbinger Primary School
Cahir Street, London, E14 3QP
0.64 miles
St Alfege with St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Creek Road, Greenwich, London, SE10 9RB
0.66 miles
Panaga School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Al Kafilah Damascus Shell School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Pdo Oman School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Ecole Yenzi
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Oman Lng LLC School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Rumukoroshe School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Ogunu School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
OSA School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Piasau School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Tabangao School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Bonny Island School
C/O Fieldwork Education Limited, London, E14 9TS
0.69 miles
Name Distance
George Green's School
100 Manchester Road, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 3DW
0.18 miles
Canary Wharf College Crossharbour
7 Selsdon Way, London, E14 9GL
0.51 miles
River House Montessori School
Unit C Great Eastern Enterprise Centre, 3 Millharbour, London, E14 9XP
0.85 miles
St Ursula's Convent School
Crooms Hill, Greenwich, London, SE10 8HN
1 miles
The John Roan School
Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 7QR
1.02 miles
Greenwich Waldorf School
90 Mycenae Road, Woodlands, Greenwich, London, SE3 7SE
1.19 miles
Blackheath High School
1.24 miles
New City College
Poplar High Street, Poplar, London, E14 0AF
1.37 miles
Addey and Stanhope School
472 New Cross Road, New Cross, London, SE14 6TJ
1.46 miles
Deptford Green School
Edward Street, New Cross, London, SE14 6AN
1.58 miles
Marathon Science School
1-9 Evelyn Street, Surrey Quays, London, SE8 5RQ
1.58 miles
Oasis Academy Silvertown
303 North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BB
1.66 miles
Leigh Academy Blackheath
Old Dover Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 8SY
1.72 miles
Langdon Park Community School
Bright Street, Poplar, London, E14 0RZ
1.75 miles
Bacon's College
Timber Pond Road, London, SE16 6AT
1.8 miles
St Matthew Academy
St Joseph's Vale, Blackheath, London, SE3 0XX
1.81 miles
Christ The King Sixth Form College
Belmont Grove, Lewisham, London, SE13 5GE
1.83 miles
Urban Mission School
1 Cornmill Lane, Elmira Street, Lewisham, London, SE13 7FY
1.85 miles
Prendergast Vale School
Elmira Street, Lewisham, London, SE13 7BN
1.89 miles
Cavendish School
Lady Gomm House, 58 Hawkstone Road, London, SE16 2PA
1.98 miles


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
