Oasis Academy Silvertown

Type Secondary / Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religion Unknown
Address 303 North Woolwich Road
E16 2BB
Phone 02070592500
Reference Number 141082

General Makeup

Number of pupils 489
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 50.72%
Girls: 49.28%
Percentage of students eligible for free school meals 40.7%
Percentage of students where English is not their first language 42.5%

Class Sizes

Average size of one teacher classes 24.7

Year Groups

Year Boys Girls Total
7 59 53 112
8 53 62 115
9 47 39 86
10 43 45 88
11 46 42 88


Ethnicity Percentage
Unclassified 19.4%
White, Other 18.6%
African 15.1%
White, British 10.6%
Mixed, Other 6.3%
Caribbean 4.1%
White & Black (Caribbean) 2.2%
Pakistani 2.2%
White & Black (African) 1.8%
White & Asian 1.6%
Asian, Other 1.6%
Indian 1%
Chinese 0.2%
Irish 0.2%

Overall Ofsted Rating Good
Last Inspection Date 2022-11-11
Date Description Report
2022-09-21 School inspection School inspection
2020-10-06 Monitoring visit Monitoring visit
2017-05-03 Full inspection: Full inspection:

Attainment 8 Score

Attaimenment 8 is a measure of a pupil's average grade across a set of 8 subjects. The 8 subjects which make up Attainment 8 are:

  • English
  • Maths
  • 3 subjects from qualifications that count towards the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), like sciences, language and history
  • 3 more GCSE qualifications (including EBacc subjects) or technical awards from a list approved by the Department for Education

Each grade a pupil gets is assigned a point score from 9 (the highest) to 1 (the lowest). These scores are added up, with English and maths counted twice.

School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
43.8 Unlock Unlock

GCSE Results

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Grade 5 or above in English and maths 47.1% Unlock Unlock
5 or more GCSEs at grade 9-4 (or A-C) 58.6% Unlock Unlock

Progress 8 Score

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

School Score Percentile (loc) Percentile (nationwide)
-0.78 Unlock Unlock

Attainment 8 Score

Attaimenment 8 is a measure of a pupil's average grade across a set of 8 subjects. The 8 subjects which make up Attainment 8 are:



GCSE Results



Progress 8 Score

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



2024 Admissions

Number of Applications Number of Offers
First Preference Unlock Unlock
Second Preference 110 29
Third Preference 95 5
From another Local Authority 12 2

Previous Years



Destinations after GCSE's

Data relates to students who sat their GCSE's in 2022 and was last updated in May 2024.

Staying in Education Unlock
 >  Further Education Unlock
 >  School Sixth Form Unlock
 >  Sixth Form College Unlock
 >  Other Education Unlock
Apprenticeships Unlock
Employment Unlock
Not in education or employment Unlock
Unknown Unlock

Name Distance
Britannia Village Primary School
Westwood Road, West Silvertown, London, E16 2AW
0.05 miles
Royal Wharf Primary School
1 John Harrison Square, Silvertown, London, E16 2ZA
0.26 miles
St Joachim's Catholic Primary School
Shipman Road, Custom House, London, E16 3DT
0.56 miles
Hallsville Primary School
Radland Road, London, E16 1LN
0.69 miles
Edith Kerrison Nursery School
Sophia Road, London, E16 3PB
0.76 miles
Faraday School
Old Gate House, 7 Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, E14 0FH
0.79 miles
Rosetta Primary School
Sophia Road, Custom House, London, E16 3PB
0.79 miles
St Luke's Primary School
Ruscoe Road, West Ham, London, E16 1JB
0.82 miles
Calverton Primary School
King George Avenue, London, E16 3ET
0.83 miles
Scott Wilkie Primary School
Hoskins Close, London, E16 3HD
0.86 miles
Keir Hardie Primary School
13 Robertson Road, Canning Town, London, E16 1FZ
0.88 miles
Drew Primary School
Wythes Road, Silvertown, London, E16 2DP
0.92 miles
Millennium Primary School
50 John Harrison Way, Greenwich, London, SE10 0BG
0.97 miles
Ravenscroft Primary School
Carson Road, London, E16 4BD
1.11 miles
Tollgate Primary School
Barclay Road, Plaistow, London, E13 8SA
1.14 miles
Ellen Wilkinson Primary School
Tollgate Road, Beckton, Ellen Wilkinson Primary School, London, E6 5UP
1.17 miles
Kaizen Primary School
Elkington Road, London, E13 8LF
1.17 miles
St Helen's Catholic Primary School
Chargeable Lane, London, E13 8DW
1.36 miles
Pound Park Nursery School
Pound Park Road, London, SE7 8AF
1.37 miles
Fossdene Primary School
Victoria Way, Charlton, London, SE7 7NQ
1.37 miles
Name Distance
Royal Docks Academy
Prince Regent Lane, Custom House, London, E16 3HS
0.6 miles
Rokeby School
Barking Road, London, E16 4DD
1.08 miles
Royal Greenwich Trust School
765 Woolwich Road, Greenwich, London, SE7 8LJ
1.15 miles
Cumberland Community School
Oban Close, London, E13 8SJ
1.21 miles
Newham Sixth Form College
Prince Regent Lane, Plaistow, London, E13 8SG
1.24 miles
Kingsford Community School
Kingsford Way, Beckton, London, E6 5JG
1.43 miles
Brampton Manor Academy
Roman Road, London, E6 3SQ
1.44 miles
Eastlea Community School
Pretoria Road, Canning Town, London, E16 4NP
1.46 miles
Greenwich Waldorf School
90 Mycenae Road, Woodlands, Greenwich, London, SE3 7SE
1.71 miles
London Design and Engineering UTC
15 University Way, Royal Docks, London, E16 2RD
1.74 miles
Saint Mary Magdalene Church of England All Through School
Kingsman Street, London, SE18 5PW
1.77 miles
Charlton Park Academy
Charlton Park Road, Charlton, London, SE7 8HX
1.78 miles
Langdon Park Community School
Bright Street, Poplar, London, E14 0RZ
1.81 miles
George Green's School
100 Manchester Road, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 3DW
1.82 miles
New City College
Poplar High Street, Poplar, London, E14 0AF
1.86 miles
Canary Wharf College Crossharbour
7 Selsdon Way, London, E14 9GL
1.88 miles
Blackheath High School
1.88 miles
The John Roan School
Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 7QR
1.91 miles
Leigh Academy Blackheath
Old Dover Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 8SY
1.91 miles
River House Montessori School
Unit C Great Eastern Enterprise Centre, 3 Millharbour, London, E14 9XP
1.93 miles


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
