Roseacre Primary Academy

Type Primary
Age Range 3-11
Religion Unknown
Address Stonycroft Avenue
Phone 01253319000
Reference Number 146743



Roseacre Primary Academy is a primary school located in Kirkham, Lancashire, England, with a postcode of FY4 2PF. The school provides education for children from ages 4 to 11, representing the Foundation Stage (Reception) through to Year 6. Some key facts about Roseacre Primary Academy include:

  • Since their last Ofsted inspection in October 2022, Roseacre has been rated as "good".
  • The school is part of the Rose Learning Trust, founded in 2016, with a mission focused on excellence in education and community partnership for children and young people in Lancashire.
  • In 2022, the school's attendance improved to 96%, following a slight drop during the pandemic.
  • The school's learning behavior policy emphasizes its belief that making good choices and taking positive action in the school community contribute to high academic success.

Roseacre Primary Academy offers a wide range of opportunities, including:

  • A commitment to pupils' wellbeing, ensuring a happy, safe, and inclusive learning experience.
  • Support for children of parents serving in the British Armed Forces as part of the Children of Service Families program.
  • Regular collaboration with local schools, as evidenced by their participation in the Kirkham Schools' Cross Country Competition in 2023.

The school places a strong emphasis on parental engagement and community collaboration, aiming to ensure an exceptional learning atmosphere in an idyllic Lancashire setting.

General Makeup

Number of pupils 601
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 49.25%
Girls: 50.75%
Percentage of students eligible for free school meals 39.3%
Percentage of students where English is not their first language 4.2%

Class Sizes

Average size of one teacher classes 28.1
Average size of Key Stage 1 classes taught by one teacher 27
Average size of Key Stage 2 classes taught by one teacher 28.8

Year Groups

Year Boys Girls Total
1 34 34 68
2 32 56 88
3 36 32 68
4 41 30 71
5 43 47 90
6 38 50 88


Ethnicity Percentage
White, British 90.8%
White, Other 2.8%
White & Asian 1.3%
Indian 1%
Mixed, Other 1%
Asian, Other 0.8%
White & Black (Caribbean) 0.7%
Pakistani 0.5%
African 0.3%
Unclassified 0.2%
White & Black (African) 0.2%
Irish 0.2%

Overall Ofsted Rating This school has not had a rating yet.
Last Inspection Date 2023-06-27
Date Description Report
2023-05-10 School inspection School inspection

How many students meet the standards

Reading, Writing & Maths School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Pupils meeting the expected standard 53% Unlock Unlock
Pupils meeting a higher standard 7% Unlock Unlock

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Subject School Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 103 Unlock Unlock
Maths 105 Unlock Unlock

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading -1.6 Unlock Unlock
Writing -0.2 Unlock Unlock
Maths 0.8 Unlock Unlock

How many students meet the standards



Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.



Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



2024 Admissions

Number of Applications Number of Offers
First Preference Unlock Unlock
Second Preference 49 3
Third Preference 21 0
From another Local Authority 8 0

Previous Years



Name Distance
Hawes Side Academy
Johnsville Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 3LN
0.67 miles
Thames Primary Academy
Severn Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 1EE
0.75 miles
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School
Common Edge Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 5DF
0.78 miles
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School
Hedgefield Road, Belle Vale, Liverpool, Merseyside, L25 2RW
0.78 miles
St Cuthbert's Catholic Academy
Lightwood Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2AU
0.98 miles
Marton Primary Academy and Nursery
Whernside, Off Highfield Road, Marton, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 5LY
1.12 miles
Blackpool St Nicholas CofE Primary School
School Road, Marton Moss, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 5DS
1.21 miles
Waterloo Primary Academy
Waterloo Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 3AG
1.27 miles
Blackpool Gateway Academy
Seymour Road, Blackpool, FY1 6JH
1.33 miles
Baines' Endowed Church of England Primary Academy
Penrose Avenue, Marton, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 4DJ
1.43 miles
St John Vianney's Catholic Primary School
Glastonbury Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 6RD
1.59 miles
Revoe Learning Academy
Grasmere Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 5HP
1.69 miles
Lytham St Annes Mayfield Primary School
St Leonard's Road East, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 2HQ
1.71 miles
Heyhouses Endowed Church of England Primary School
Clarendon Road North, St Anne's, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 3EE
1.91 miles
Mereside Primary Academy
Langdale Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 4RR
1.96 miles
Stanley Primary School
Wordsworth Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 9UT
2.05 miles
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Kenilworth Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1LB
2.36 miles
Blackpool St John's Church of England Primary School
Church Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 3NX
2.42 miles
St Annes on Sea St Thomas' Church of England Primary School
St Thomas' Road, St Anne's, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN
2.47 miles
St Kentigern's Catholic Primary School
Newton Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 8BT
2.51 miles
Name Distance
Armfield Academy
488 Lytham Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 1TL
0.5 miles
Highfield Leadership Academy
Highfield Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 3JZ
0.63 miles
Spen Brook School
(former Hawes Side Library), Hawes Side Lane, Blackpool, FY4 5AJ
0.8 miles
South Shore Academy
St Anne's Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2AR
0.9 miles
St George's School A Church of England Academy
Cherry Tree Road, Marton, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 4PH
1.61 miles
Lotus School
Langdale Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 4RR
1.86 miles
Park Community Academy
158 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 9HF
2.05 miles
Poplar House School
24-26 Lytham St Annes Road East, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1UR
2.09 miles
Woodlands School
Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 9HF
2.1 miles
Red Rose School
28-30 North Promenade, St Annes on Sea, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 2NQ
2.13 miles
The St Anne's College Grammar School
293 Clifton Drive South, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1HN
2.45 miles
Tower Learning Centre Independent School
316 Church Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 3QE
2.49 miles
Lytham St Annes High School
Albany Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 4GW
3 miles
St Mary's Catholic Academy
St Walburga's Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7EQ
3.15 miles
Unity Academy Blackpool
Warbreck Hill Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 0TS
3.64 miles
Lancashire Alternative Provision
30 Mowbray Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7UN
3.78 miles
Highfurlong School
Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7LS
3.91 miles
Blackpool Aspire Academy
Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7LS
3.94 miles
The Blackpool Sixth Form College
Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7LR
4.12 miles
Baines School
Highcross Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire, FY6 8BE
4.2 miles


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
