St Mary Magdalene Church of England Primary School

Type Primary / Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religion Church of England
Address 48 Brayards Road
SE15 3RA
Phone 02076391724
Reference Number 100836

General Makeup

Number of pupils 100
Boy/Girl ratio Boys: 52%
Girls: 48%
Percentage of students eligible for free school meals 50.5%
Percentage of students where English is not their first language 9%

Class Sizes

Average size of one teacher classes 25
Average size of Key Stage 1 classes taught by one teacher 30
Average size of Key Stage 2 classes taught by one teacher 29

Year Groups

Year Boys Girls Total
1 7 11 18
2 6 6 12
3 7 5 12
4 8 8 16
5 5 4 9
6 9 12 21


Ethnicity Percentage
African 30%
Mixed, Other 18%
Caribbean 11%
White, British 4%
White, Other 4%
Unclassified 1%
White & Black (African) 1%
Asian, Other 1%

Overall Ofsted Rating Requires Improvement
 >  Quality of education Requires Improvement
  >  Behaviour & Attitude Good
  >  Personal Development Good
  >  Leadership & Management Good
  >  Early Years Provision Good
Last Inspection Date 2024-06-27
Date Description Report
2024-04-30 School inspection: School inspection:
2017-03-28 Short inspection Short inspection
2013-06-27 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2009-10-06 Curriculum and development visit Curriculum and development visit
2009-01-20 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2006-06-08 Full inspection: Full inspection:
2003-10-15 Inspection Inspection

How many students meet the standards

Reading, Writing & Maths School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Pupils meeting the expected standard 56% Unlock Unlock
Pupils meeting a higher standard 0% Unlock Unlock

Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Subject School Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading 103 Unlock Unlock
Maths 102 Unlock Unlock

Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.

Metric School Score Percentile (local) Percentile (nationwide)
Reading -1.7 Unlock Unlock
Writing 1.6 Unlock Unlock
Maths -2.7 Unlock Unlock

How many students meet the standards



Average Scaled Score

Results are converted into scaled scores to allow accurate comparisons of performance over time even if the difficulty of the test varies over time. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.



Progress Scores

A progress score is a way to measure how well a student progressed in comparison to other students of a similar starting ability. A score of zero means would mean that a student made the same progress as others that had a similar starting a ability. A positive score would mean that the student made more progress than other students of similar starting ability. The scores below are for the whole school so is the average progress score across all students.



2024 Admissions

Number of Applications Number of Offers
First Preference Unlock Unlock
Second Preference 8 0
Third Preference 3 0
From another Local Authority 1 0

Previous Years



Name Distance
Rye Oak Primary School
Whorlton Road, London, SE15 3PD
0.28 miles
John Donne Primary School
Woods Road, London, SE15 2SW
0.32 miles
Bellenden Primary School
Dewar Street, London, SE15 4JP
0.33 miles
Nell Gwynn Nursery School
Meeting House Lane, London, SE15 2TT
0.44 miles
Hollydale Primary School
Hollydale Road, Nunhead, London, SE15 2AR
0.45 miles
Cherry Garden School
41 Bellenden Road, London, SE15 5BB
0.48 miles
The Belham Primary School
165 Bellenden Road, London, SE15 4DG
0.49 miles
St John's and St Clement's Church of England Primary School
Adys Road, Peckham, London, SE15 4DY
0.53 miles
St John's and St Clement's Primary School Co Hearing Impaired Unit
Adys Road, London, SE15 4DY
0.53 miles
Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park
Marmont Road, Peckham, London, SE15 5TD
0.58 miles
St James the Great Roman Catholic Primary School
Peckham Road, St James the Great Catholic Pr, London, SE15 5LP
0.59 miles
Edmund Waller Primary School
Waller Road, New Cross, London, SE14 5LY
0.63 miles
The Villa
54 Lyndhurst Grove, London, SE15 5AH
0.65 miles
Kender Primary School
Kender Street, New Cross, London, SE14 5JA
0.69 miles
Goose Green Primary and Nursery School
Tintagel Crescent, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8HG
0.77 miles
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
Peckham Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 8UH
0.79 miles
St Francis RC Primary School
Friary Road, Peckham, London, SE15 1RQ
0.81 miles
Bird In Bush School
Bird-in-Bush School, Bird-in-Bush Road, Peckham, SE15 1QP
0.82 miles
Haberdashers' Hatcham Free School
Pepys Road, London, SE14 5SF
0.85 miles
Pilgrims' Way Primary School
Tustin Estate, Manor Grove, Peckham, London, SE15 1EF
0.88 miles
Name Distance
The St Thomas the Apostle College
Hollydale Road, Nunhead, London, SE15 2EB
0.32 miles
Harris Academy Peckham
112 Peckham Road, London, SE15 5DZ
0.56 miles
Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich
Peckham Rye, East Dulwich, London, SE22 0AT
0.8 miles
Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich
Homestall Road, London, SE22 0NR
0.84 miles
Haberdashers' Hatcham College
Pepys Road, New Cross, London, SE14 5SF
0.84 miles
Camberwell College of Arts
45-65 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UF
0.86 miles
Newlands Academy
Stuart Road, Peckham Rye, London, SE15 3AZ
0.88 miles
Treasure House (London) CIC
The Livesey, 682 Old Kent Road, London, SE15 1JF
0.93 miles
Tuke School
Daniel Gardens, Peckham, London, SE15 6ER
1.04 miles
The Charter School East Dulwich
Jarvis Road, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8RB
1.06 miles
Spa School Camberwell
150 Southampton Way, London, SE5 7EW
1.19 miles
Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School
1st Floor, Mapother House, Maudsley Hospital, De Crespigny Park, Camberwell, London, SE5 8AZ
1.22 miles
Alleyn's School
Townley Road, London, SE22 8SU
1.26 miles
The Hospital and Home Tuition Sick Children's Service
School Room, E3, Paediatric Neuroscience, London, SE5 9RS
1.27 miles
Arco Academy
Camberwell Leisure Centre, Artichoke Place, Camberwell, London, SE5 8TS
1.27 miles
Deptford Green School
Edward Street, New Cross, London, SE14 6AN
1.32 miles
James Allen's Girls' School
East Dulwich Grove, London, SE22 8TE
1.36 miles
The Charter School North Dulwich
Red Post Hill, London, SE24 9JH
1.41 miles
City of London Academy (Southwark)
240 Lynton Road, London, SE1 5LA
1.42 miles
Ark Walworth Academy
Shorncliffe Road, London, SE1 5UJ
1.47 miles


Age Range

Special Schools

Independent Schools

Faith Schools

Key Stage 2 Attainment

Students Meeting expected standard

Students Meeting higher standard

GCSE Attainment

Attainment 8 score percentile

Students getting 5 or more GCSE's at grade 9-4 (A-C)
